Minimal Paintings
Tom Ferguson

1978 - 1980


False Dawn
Coffee House Napkin Drawing
All in Green
Minimal Grid
Minimal Band
Round Point
Herb & Creecy
Fishbone Salad
Mo Blue
Venus in the East
U and I
Brown Sky
Brown Now
Orange Now
Spiral Root


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 The first Minimal work I encountered was a sculpture at the Milwaukee Museum. I had no preparation for it, had not heard anything about this movement... I stood mesmerized, understanding instantly, viscerally, what this was yet having little capacity to articulate it. Later in grad school I read Donald Judd who was writing reviews in NY and there was Frank Stella's statement, "What there is to see is what there is to see." And then I discovered Husserl's notion of the Phenomenological Reduction which I take to be experiencing sensation "live", that is without interpreting, translating into words... reducing to essence.
Minimalism was about exploring abstraction, surface possibilities, color, very formal - yet with the intent of providing/sharing elegant (or not) passages of paint and configurations/objects whose references are "minimal" so that the artist & viewer might encounter an object in time/space as itself, leaving said artist/viewer standing
in the profundity of the Great Itself,... now/reality.

I was framing these works with heavy 1" by 4"s, bolted and overlapping, emphasizing, as Peter Morrin said, the object aspect of the experience as opposed to the referential.

For these years I was squeezing paintings in at night & weekends when finally the cyclorama project went full-time. The house we bought also needed attention & I was doing drawings & writing for the Atlanta Gazette & free-bees for peace & justice, environmental newsletters, posters etc;
The Cyclorama job was souring into an unpleasant place to be. I remembered a friend writing to me as he saved up money to flee the city - "I'm careful to muffle the hacksaw." I was tempted to leave but when I did the math I decided to stick it out. I was saving half of my earnings & that was going to finance some free time (& a European trip).

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