Learning to use paint to describe the world is the traditional way to start out a painting
career but by 1967 it felt pretty old. Though we took pride in whatever skills we developed
we were anxious to get on to the modern world - conceptual, abstraction, installation etc;
In 2015, on my annual trek to Michigan, I walked into my niece's home, was looking at
her art, an interesting collection. Boone asked me, "What do you think of this one?" I was
flabbergasted to see a painting I hadn't thought about in years, one I'd done either while
in art school or shortly after dropping out.
Gina asked my why the guy on the left had a blue face. Well... he's in shadow, it's a Surreal liberty taken
to give the scene a strange quality... an ambiguous setting... I was anxious to be painting but hadn't yet
found a subject or approach that was my own.
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