AS-IS (finale) Transition Hallway to Performance room    back   next (inner gallery north wall)
Knowing that a young-ish, experimental-ish audience often attends the performances at Eyedrum I decided to place paintings
here in the hallway leading to that space that might appeal to that audience - what do I know though about their taste?. But I took
a shot at it.
The first three are from the word painting focus of 1982 (tho Petty Cash is an earlier flirtation with text, about 79 I think). The
middle painting used a note sent to me by my friend Joe Ruesing but unknown to me at the time had inadvertently gotten in the
letter. It was actually a note intended for his beloved Hea Jung, a make-up note after a little spat. He was quite surprized to see the
painting when visiting one year. My friend Dr. Ron Martin, a vet, gave me the idea for Cold Code. The title adds another layer to
the already layered text in the painting.
trans hall 1
hall trans 2
hall trans 3
Head of the Student Body and Pencil Almighty, more shameless attempt to woo the hip afficionados who
attend Eyedrum events. There's actually a price list there between them, something I am very shy to do.

But since i'm doing it...

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