back next Evolution © 2000 Tom Ferguson This
piece was created for an exhibit at Swan Coach House. It sat
in front of a splendid window at the end of the gallery, very nice
installation. Here it's in my hallway. Ed Arnold & Betsy
Rivard gave me the wooden tool kit and I painted it silver and put in
the various slots various books, journals, calendars,... making it a
sort of selective autobio. The top piece is a pencil sharpener fastened
to a sculpture stand (the kind you can rotate to work on all sides of a
bust or whatever). The word Evolution is painted on the sharpener which
is painted white, the color of potential... so all these references
cross-reference & create new meaning. I've done this fairly often,
joined different objects & allowed the new context to emit
implications. The color triangles on the sculpture stand have the
words, Big Bang, Physical, Biological and Cultural Evolution, ...
coming out of a course I took in California with the Foundation for
Global Community & then taught, Living on the Edge of Evolution,
where the origin story was put forth as a story for ALL cultures, a way
of uniting the species & celebrating the wonder of reality.