Tom Ferguson |
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in time impressed itself upon me and I attempted to replicate this by stretching long, narrow, horizontal canvases to force a sequential viewing of imagery. This infatuation was a brief one. I came to accept that painting differs from music in that one can begin anywhere on the canvas & jump around unpredictably... and those possibilities should be explored not constricted. I had been thinking of painting as analogous to music for some time. This analogy helped me to appreciate abstraction, at first via Kandinsky, Klee but then Mondrian & De Stijl, later the Abstract Expressionists, Minimalism etc; I could enjoy a blue triangle against a yellow ground once I realized that that was what I was enjoying in music - interesting, evocative patterns of sound and ultimately, perception itself. I retain James St. Centerfold, Places and Long Sequence. These paintings straddle a shift I made, moving to MSU grad school and accepting my sig. other's decision to stay in Marquette. Grad school was a rich two years which allowed me to focus on painting, art history, teaching and to continue developing my musical interests. Particularly opportune was the daily student newspaper that needed a cartoonist/illustrator and political cartoonist - paid!. I fell in love with New York City and was determined to move there after grad school. I did a for-credit trip to the east coast interviewing artists & critics, summer 1975. The excitement of the grad school adventure obscured the emotions of ending a relationship and the fact that i'd probably never live in that magic hometown again. But I visit every summer (so far). |