


 Coffee Stains © 2006 Tom Ferguson
I pour the coffee in a single-cup filter, steep it, then put the steeper aside, on a saucer. Got to noticing how inerestin the resulting pattern was and took a few sample photos. It could go on indefinitely, a conceptual project if ever I saw/thought one... but i'll let it go. They could be galaxies, ... or amoeba.


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 Traces of what we've done can be poignant reminders of the wondrous passing of time, the decay into oblivion... and stimulus to construct reassuring theories of immortality... for example:

at the heart of and permeating all reality is an eternal ONEness, our true essence which we have access to via NOW, this moment, in which we experience being and realize that it is not our essence which decays, and that we are our essence and the passing of material reality is the field where we experience being, where we are always.... where we hook up with the eternal....
like that.

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