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friend Joe has sent me more photos of his collection of my works: trying it out vertically & horizontally

The two "dogs" below were done while I housesat for Joe & Hea Jung while they went to Korea in 2004.
Did several others also. And wrote several songs on their white grand piano.

about 1978, fairly small, working with heavy impasto, influenced by Thornton Willis & that Neo-expressionist
group from my 1975 grad school interview trip to New York... also saw painters, in of all places, Whitewater, Wisconsin
working this style while in art school, Milwaukee 1966 though they weren't so impasto. Minimalism of course.

This drawing is an elaboration of one that "popped up" in my one-a-day drawing books in the early 70s.
Did several paintings taking off on that idea, of an image becoming gradually abstract. And the subject
of a soldier transitioning into line or beauty, war to peace, the lion lying with the lamb etc;

I did a drawing for my blog illustrating a NYC to Atlanta drive I did, August 2014... Joe turned it into a screensaver.

I did portraits of Hea Jung's sister's family. Joe was visiting them in San Francisco & snapped this for me...
I had completely forgotten painting these... probably 1986. I was doing impasto heads at the time. Portraits
are always so risky ego-wise for the subjects but I don't recall any problems with them.

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